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Community Link & Family Resource Center


The Community Link & Family Resource Center is a valuable resource for individuals and families in Atascadero, California.

Community Policing


The Atascadero Police Department uses Community Oriented Policing/Problem Solving (COPPS) to identify, analyze, and resolve crime and service problems that most impact the community's safety and quality of life and the deployment of the resources of…

Community Risk Reduction


Community Risk Reduction (CRR) is a means of defending Atascadero from wildfire and is a large focus of the Fire & Emergency Services.

County Clerk- Recorder


The Clerk Recorder Department provides valuable information and contact details for individuals seeking assistance regarding records.

County Government


The Clerk Recorder Department provides valuable information and contact details for individuals seeking assistance regarding records.

Crime Reporting


Non-Emergency Public Safety Online Reporting

If this is an Emergency please call 911

Development Review & Permits


All work within the City’s public right-of-way is administered and approved through encroachment permits to ensure appropriate use and to protect the integrity of roadways and pedestrian access.

Election Information


The City of Atascadero holds a General Election in November of even-numbered years for the purpose of electing

Emergency Alerts


In the event of a wildfire or an emergency, law enforcement and fire agencies issue evacuation warnings or evacuation orders for impacted areas. Don't be caught unprepared!

Employment Opportunities


City of Atascadero Careers Page is the official website for job opportunities within the City of Atascadero, California.

Environmental Documents


The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires state and local agencies to assess the environmental impacts of certain projects and notify the public of those impacts prior to approving the projects.

Fictitious Business Name


The Fictitious Business Name "New Filing" page provides resources to help companies file new fictitious business names.

Field Reservations


Fire Inspections


Performing annual fire inspections minimizes the chances of fires occurring, thus reducing fire and property damage while increasing public safety.

FPPC Filing Information


Form 700 - Statement of Economic Interests (SEI)

The following elected officials of the City of Atascadero are required, by the

Hi-Lo Time to Go!


Atascadero’s New Evacuation Alert Siren - Hi - Lo = Time To Go!

Inspections & Requests


For Building, Planning, or Public Works inspections leave a voicemail on the request hotline the work day prior to your requested inspection. All requests must be received prior to the 5 p.m.

Investigations Unit



The Atascadero Police Department Investigations Bureau serves the community and the department by conducting in-depth follow-up investigations on felony cases requiring additional time and effort.

K9 Units


The primary objective of the Atascadero Police Department K-9 Unit is to reduce hazard exposure to uniformed patrol officers as they carry out their public safety mission.

Licenses & Permits


Explore a variety of checklists and information to determine the type of permit you need and submit your planning application.

Marriage License


The marriage licenses page is dedicated to providing information and services related to obtaining marriage licenses. It offers detailed information about the requirements, procedures, and fees associated with obtaining a marriage license.

Measure F-14 Sales Tax


In 2014, Atascadero voters approved a ballot measure (F-14) which authorized the City to increase its sales tax rate by a ½ percent for a term of 12 years, together with a measure (E-14) advising that the funds be pri

Megan's Law


Megan's Law is a database for the state of California. It serves as a crucial resource for the public, providing access to information about registered sex offenders residing in the state.

Operations Division


The Fire and Emergency Services Operations Division is responsible for delivering emergency services to those citizens who live, work and visit the City of Atascadero.



The U.S. Department of State's International Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME) serves as a vital resource for individuals and families navigating the process of international adoption.


Utilities - Non City

PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric Company) is responsible for delivering energy to residents and businesses and is one of two electricity service providers available to Atascadero residents.  Atascadero residents are auto-enrolled with the alter

Planning Checklists & Applications


Explore a variety of checklists and information to determine the type of permit you need and submit your planning application.

Planning Documents & Resources


From recent planning projects to planning maps, design standards, and more, you'll find a comprehensive library