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January 09 11:25am

Severe Weather Shelter-in-Place Notification for Monday, January 9th, 2023

At this time, the City of Atascadero is issuing an emergency shelter-in-place order, advising all Atascadero residents to stay at home if possible. Do not travel for any non-essential or non-emergency reason. PLEASE DO NOT CALL 911 UNLESS THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE THREAT TO SOMEONE’S LIFE AND/OR HEALTH AND SAFETY, CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE, OR CATASTROPHIC PROPERTY DAMAGE. The City urges all residents to refrain from calling 911 unless the above conditions are met and it is a genuine emergency…
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November 17 12:06pm

News From the City - Broadband Needs Assessment

Help Us Make Internet Faster and More Reliable in Atascadero! November 2022 - by City Manager Rachelle Rickard Everyone has experienced the frustration of slow and unreliable internet. Local residents and businesses rely on good, quality internet for crucial services like telehealth appointments, online goods and services, and remaining connected with loved ones near and far. In this day and age, the internet is increasingly regarded by many as a “…
Latest News
September 20 3:23pm

Storm Water Management & You!

NEWS FROM THE CITY! Preparing for Wet Weather: Stormwater Management and You! September 2022 - by City Manager, Rachelle Rickard September’s drawing to a close and we’re already experiencing some weird weather here in Atascadero. From record-breaking heat at the beginning of the month to rainfall last weekend, we’ve navigated the unpredictable weather as a community. As Mother Nature reminds us that we never know what she may bring, it’s a good time to talk about storm preparedness…
Latest News
August 25 5:17pm

It's Time For a Citywide General Plan Update!

September, 2021 Newsletter Article - By City Manager, Rachelle Rickard The City of Atascadero is very pleased announce that it’s now time to begin the process to update our General Plan, so be on the lookout for more information from us in the upcoming months, and then be sure to share your thoughts and have your say in helping to shape the future of Atascadero! The extensive and comprehensive General Plan Update process is when we have the opportunity to evaluate important factors such…
Latest News
August 17 11:18am

The City and the Atascadero Unified School District – Distinctly, but Cooperatively, Separate Entities

News from the City! The City and the Atascadero Unified School District This particular topic seems to come up with surprising frequency, especially at this busy and exciting “Back to School” time of year. City staff members are asked questions fairly often by friends, family members, or members of the public they run into around town while they’re shopping or doing errands, who wonder why “the City” doesn’t just do this or that, when what they’re curious about is actually something that…
Latest News
July 18 10:22am

Come Enjoy Farmer's Market and So Much More in Atascadero!

A little over five years ago, the North County Farmer’s Market in Atascadero returned to the beautiful location at Sunken Gardens and they were welcomed back to the downtown with open arms and a great celebration. Since then, Farmer’s Market has continued to provide plenty of fresh, farm-raised, locally grown, healthy and organic produce and many other options to take home and enjoy, including local honey, garlic, mushrooms, eggs, and so much more. Good cooks know that great recipes always…
Latest News
July 13 4:51pm

Updated Fees Go Into Effect Aug.15, 2022

The City of Atascadero has updated the service fee schedule to reflect the actual changes in the costs of providing those services and to more accurately recover costs based on actual work performed and expenses incurred. As of August 15, 2022, the approved fee schedule will go into effect. You can access a copy of the fee schedule here. If you would like to learn more, you can access the agenda packet from the June 14, 2022 City Council Meeting here.
Latest News
June 16 10:02am

News in Community Development - ADU's, SB9

Our Community Development Department – News about ADU’s, SB9, and More! June 2022 by City Manager Rachelle Rickard The City of Atascadero’s Community Development Department is made up of a team of dynamic and energetic individuals who work together to help promote development that is consistent with our General Plan while supporting economic vitality and development, and to ensure that all construction within the City is consistent with the Building Code. Community Development topics…
Latest News
May 13 10:44am

Good Trail Etiquette – Sharing Our Trails

May, 2022 - By City Manager, Rachelle Rickard In an effort to help keep members of our community safer, I recently shared in this space some important roadway safety tips and etiquette reminders and for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists. Similarly, recreational users of our local trails and riverbed areas should also remember to graciously share the outdoors with their fellow community members, watch out for others, use good common sense and treat everyone you may encounter while out on…
Latest News
May 12 1:23pm

Action Plan 2021-2023 Update!

News from the City! 2021-2023 Action Plan Update/Study Session April 2022 Newsletter Article by City Manager Rachelle Rickard In 2021, the Atascadero City Council adopted our 2021-2023 Action Plan, which was the culmination of a robust public outreach effort and included specific actions to address four separate strategic priorities: Economic & Community Vibrancy, Fiscal Infrastructure Efficiency & Sustainability, Ensuring Public Safety and Providing Exceptional City Services,…