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Jan. 19 2:30pm
TBID Advisory Board January 19, 2022

Add to Calendar America/Los_Angeles TBID Advisory Board January 19, 2022

January 19 | 2:30pm

Jan. 18 6:00pm
Planning Commission | January 18, 2022

Add to Calendar America/Los_Angeles Planning Commission | January 18, 2022

January 18 | 6:00pm

Jan. 11 6:00pm
City Council Closed Session - Regular Session | January 11, 2022

Add to Calendar America/Los_Angeles City Council Closed Session - Regular Session | January 11, 2022

January 11 | 6:00pm

Jan. 11 6:00pm
January 11, 2022 Public Financing Authority - Regular Session

Add to Calendar America/Los_Angeles January 11, 2022 Public Financing Authority - Regular Session

January 11 | 6:00pm

City Hall Council Chambers -Teleconference


How to Submit Public Comment

During the meeting, the Chairperson will invite attendees to speak at the times set aside for public comment. This includes the designated time for public comment on general matters not included on the agenda, but over which the Board has authority, and in response to items included on the agenda.

If you wish to provide public comment but not via a live platform, please email your public comments to Such email comments must identify the Agenda Item Number in the subject line of the email. The comments will be forwarded to the Board and will be made a part of the administrative record. To ensure distribution to the Board prior to consideration of the agenda, the public is encouraged to submit comments no later than 12:00 p.m. the day of the meeting. If a comment is received after the deadline for submission but before the close of the meeting, the comment will still be included as a part of the administrative record of the meeting but will be forwarded to the Board the next business day. Please note, email comments will not be read into the record.

American Disability Act Accommodations

Any member of the public who needs accommodations should contact the City Clerk’s Office at or by calling (805) 470-3400 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed. The City will use their best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to afford as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety in accordance with the City procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests.

Jan. 11 6:00pm
January 11, 2022 Successor Agency to the RDA - Regular Session

Add to Calendar America/Los_Angeles January 11, 2022 Successor Agency to the RDA - Regular Session

January 11 | 6:00pm

City Hall Council Chambers -Teleconference

Jan. 11 5:00pm
Public Financing Authority | January 11, 2022

Regular Session

Add to Calendar America/Los_Angeles Public Financing Authority | January 11, 2022

Regular Session
January 11 | 5:00pm

City Hall Council Chambers -Teleconference

Jan. 06 2:00pm
Administrative Use Permit Hearing | January 6, 2022

Add to Calendar America/Los_Angeles Administrative Use Permit Hearing | January 6, 2022

January 06 | 2:00pm

City Hall

Meeting ID: 845 6756 8854
Phone: (669) 900-6833

Jan. 06 1:00pm
Administrative Use Permit Hearing | January 6, 2022

Regular Session

Add to Calendar America/Los_Angeles Administrative Use Permit Hearing | January 6, 2022

Regular Session
January 06 | 1:00pm

City Hall

Jan. 04 6:00pm
Planning Commission | January 4, 2022


January 04 | 6:00pm