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Project Directory

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Welcome to the Project Directory page where you can learn more about current and completed City projects.

ECR DIEP Project Image
Other - Public

El Camino Real Downtown Safety and Parking Enhancement Project

The El Camino Real Downtown Parking and Safety Enhancements Project (The ECR Project) will improve the safety, economic vitality, parking capacity and aesthetics of the El Camino Real downtown

General Plan Update Logo
Other - Public

General Plan Update

The General Plan Update will shape how our city might change over the next 20 years. The General Plan is a comprehensive policy document that provides the general

Ten850 Planned Development

Ten850 Planned Development

The proposed project consists of a total of 75 unit residential units that includes:

  • 48 independent living, senior apartments at a total of 3-stories in height;
  • 20 attached
Atascadero Lake Park Pier and pathway improvements.
Other - Public

Lake Park Pier and Pedestrian Pathway Project

Project Summary:
The City received grant funding to repair and improve pedestrian access on the Atascadero Lake Park Pier and adjacent sidewalk. Atascadero Lake Park is a

Photo of road work under way.
Roads - Measure F-14

Measure F-14 Road Projects

In 2014, Atascadero voters approved a ballot measure (F-14) which authorized the City to increase its sales tax rate by a ½ percent for a term of 12 years, together with a measure (E-14) advising

Plans for the Del Rio Marketplace Project

Del Rio Marketplace

The Del Rio Marketplace project is anchored by a full service market, restaurants and a distillery. The surrounding buildings will be filled with a bustling job center including flexible work

Dove Creek Mixed-Use project concept art.

Dove Creek Commercial

The Dove Creek Commercial Development serves as our community gateway from the south. This mixed-use project includes a community gathering space surrounded by family friendly marketplace with

Santa Lucia Bridge during construction - preparing the wood deck for concrete.

Santa Lucia Bridge Project

Project Summary:
Full bridge replacement and roadway approach improvements.
New bridge structures will be widened to meet current standards and safety regulations.

Lift Station 13 Project Map

Lift Station #13 and Force Main Replacement Project

This project involves replacing Wastewater Lift Station #13 and constructing approximately 2 miles of force main pipe between El Camino Real and Orillas Way below Santa Cruz Road and Traffic Way

Downtown Paving project work

Downtown District Pavement Rehabilitation Project

As part of the City Council’s Key Priorities, the City of Atascadero approved the Downtown District Pavement Rehabilitation Project.  The project included upgraded

Atascadero Pit Stop project

Atascadero Pit Stop

The applicant proposes a fueling station with deli and market. The fueling station is designed with 12 gasoline pumps and 9 electric vehicle charging stations. The design is styled after Googie

Barrel Creek project map.

Barrel Creek

This mixed-use development will showcase Atascadero as a "maker's space" with artisan goods, craft beer and entertainment. This project includes a 120 room hotel and outdoor space. The adjacent

Via Bridge replacement project under way.

Via Avenue Bridge Project

Project Summary:
Full bridge replacement and roadway approach improvements.

Project Location:
Via Avenue over Atascadero Creek.