Backyard Burning Season is OPEN!
Atascadero Fire & Emergency Services would like to announce the Fire Hazard Reduction Burn Season will officially open this year on January 6th for Atascadero residents. Just a reminder that the burn day status, whether it is a permissive burn day or not, changes daily and is determined by the California Air Resources Board and north county weather conditions. Burning is never allowed within 5 days of measurable rain.
Permits are required and available free online at www.publicfiresafety.com. The site offers a convenient method for residents to schedule burn days, check conditions, and see alerts at any time, including a comprehensive local wind and moisture forecast.
The fire department will determine before 8 am each day whether burning will be allowed within the City. The burning status (open, closed, info, & warnings) will be posted instantly to PublicFireSafety.com. Staff will also continue to update the burn line message daily at (805) 461-5070 Ext. 8. If conditions change without warning, the fire department will be able to respond proactively, sending text messages to all residents that have a burn scheduled that day.
Those who do not have Internet Access can request a permit at (805) 461-5070 Ext. 8 or visit City Hall at 6500 Palma Ave., Atascadero.
Atascadero Fire & Emergency Services strongly encourages residents to utilize alternative forms of disposal, such as the Waste Alternatives’ Green Waste recycling container or the Chicago Grade Landfill. Burning should be used as a last resort.
Copies of Atascadero’s Burn Regulations are available on our website at www.atascadero.org/fire. Citations will be issued for violations of the burning regulations.
Atascadero Fire & Emergency Services has a zero-tolerance policy and will issue citations for violations of Burning Regulations!
Outside the City Limits
Contact the San Luis Obispo County Fire Department at (805) 543-4244. The State Air Resources Board determines which days are appropriate for burning in order to limit air pollution and of those days, local fire officials determine burn days according to local conditions.
For more information about burn permits call the administrative offices at (805) 461-5070 ext. 8.