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Street Maintenance

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Maintained & Non-Maintained Streets

City Maintained Streets

The City of Atascadero owns and maintains approximately 150 centerline miles of public roadways. This extensive system is the backbone of housing, commerce and recreation within the community and its repair and maintenance is a top priority. In order to compare all roads within a system, each roadway is inspected and a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) number is assigned. The overall PCI rating of Atascadero’s roadway system is 50 on a 100-point scale. With a current asset value of nearly $300 million, developing a pavement management strategy to provide the lowest life cycle cost over time and save the City funds in the long run was vital. In order to accomplish this, the City has implemented a “Critical Point Management” methodology. This methodology selects roadways which can have their useful life extended the longest with cost effective maintenance and less expensive repairs. The longer a road can be kept in good condition, the lower the overall cost of its treatments.

In many ways the Critical Point Management method is similar to how you would maintain your car. By focusing on relatively inexpensive routine maintenance and repairs at key times, you can avoid expensive repair bills and breakdowns in the future. When pavement conditions deteriorate, the cost to fix roadways increases substantially. Replacement of a failed street can cost 30-40 times the amount required to maintain a road in good condition.

City Maintained & Non-Maintained Streets

This interactive map shows which streets in Atascadero are city maintained or non-city maintained. You can search by address to see the maintained status of the street at that address.

Right-of-Way & Sidewalks

Public Right-of-Way

A right-of-way (ROW) allows local and state governments to construct and maintain roads and sidewalks to facilitate pedestrian and vehicular movement. ROWs are also used by the utility companies (Gas, Electric, Water, Sewer, Cable, Fiber Optic etc.), to install and maintain utilities.

Property owners are required to maintain the public right of way around their property. These pertain to sidewalks & curbs, vegetation management, drainage, and permits to work in the right of way (encroachment permit).

Asphalt & Potholes

Cold Mix Asphalt

If a street is not City Maintained, the City can provide Atascadero residents access to cold mix asphalt for use on publicly owned, non-City Maintained roads only. Cold mix asphalt may be used to fill potholes and other minor road repairs, but may not be used for speed humps, drainage berms or private driveways. To schedule an appointment to pick up cold mix from our Corporation yard, please contact 805-470-3148 or