Atascadero's demographics have recently been analyzed as a part of our Housing Needs Assessment for our General Plan's Housing Element update. To learn more about Atascadero's demographics, please view the adopted 2021-2028 Housing Element document.
General Plan Information
The General Plan has been described as the "Blueprint" for a city's development: the foundation upon which all development decisions are based. When entitlement or building projects are submitted to the City, Staff reviews proposed projects to ensure consistency with the adopted General Plan. The State of California requires that every City and County have an adopted General Plan (also known as a Comprehensive Plan) which covers seven (7) general elements: Land Use, Circulation, Noise, Safety, Housing, Open Space, and Conservation.
There are times when amendments may be proposed to the designations of specific properties as shown on the land use diagrams, or to tables or textual language in the plan. Evaluation of requested General Plan amendments reviews the conformance of the amendment with applicable General Plan goals, objectives and policies. Of amendments are proposed which are not consistent with specific goals, objectives and policies, then all relevant goals, objectives and policies need to be reexamined and changed before approval of such amendments.
General Plan Amendments may be initiated by the City or private property owners or their authorized agents.
Applications to amend the General Plan shall be accompanied by detailed information to document the scope and impact of the amendment request. This information should include revised text, tables and diagrams for all affected elements. For additional information, please refer to the General Plan Land Use, Open Space and Conservation Element (Page II-51).
The following is the City's adopted General Plan, as amended through 2016. This document has been updated with various amendments, including the Housing Element. This document is a PDF.
Zoning Ordinance / Zoning Handbook
The City's Zoning Ordinance (adopted at Title 9, Zoning Ordinance of the Atascadero Municipal Code) implements, or are the "details" of the City's General Plan. The Zoning Ordinance contains specific development standards such as what types of uses can go on properties, lot sizes, fence heights, as well as rules and regulations regarding signs, special uses, and other details when it comes to development and construction on properties with the City. The City's Zoning Ordinance can be viewed here by clicking this link
City Staff has created a Zoning Handbook to help in guiding residents, property owners, and developers on what they can and cannot do on their properties. The Zoning Handbook takes the City's adopted Zoning Ordinance and makes it easier to read and follow. If you have any questions in regards to the City's Zoning handbook, please contact the Community Development Department at (805) 461-5035.
Other Adopted Policy Documents
The following are additional policy documents that have been adopted by City Council and are utilized for development review of proposed projects within the City or within specific development areas.