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Ballot Measure L-24

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2024 Atascadero Local Roads and Vital Services Funding Extension Measure

Ballot Measure Overview

On the November 2024 ballot, the Atascadero Local Roads and Vital Services Funding Extension Measure (also known as Measure L-24) will ask voters to consider extending the current half-cent per dollar (0.5%) general sales tax approved by voters in 2014. That measure is commonly known as Measure F-14.

Measure L-24 would provide approximately $3 million of funding annually that will stay in Atascadero for the repair of neighborhood roads and aging infrastructure along with other vital City needs. 

Image of Ballot Measure L-24 language.

Current Oversight

A nine-member Citizens’ Oversight Committee meets annually to review the use of sales tax funds and ensure transparency for funds raised by Measure F-14. The Oversight Committee was formed in the wake of the adoption of Measure F-14. Similar to Measure F-14, the Atascadero Local Roads and Vital Services Funding Extension Measure will continue the citizen committee’s oversight of the funds raised by this measure. 

Additionally, all funding activity would continue to be published in annual reporting and subject to independent financial audits, ensuring maximal use of the revenue.


Over the past decade, funds from Measure F-14 (approximately 9% of the City’s annual budget) have significantly improved the quality of neighborhood roads in Atascadero. 100% of the funds provided by Measure F-14 have been spent on road improvements throughout the community as directed by the City Council. These expenditure choices were made consistent with an advisory vote that shared the ballot with F-14 where residents overwhelmingly expressed a preference for prioritizing road repairs.

Originally approved by voters in 2014, Measure F-14 became effective on April 1, 2015, and is set to expire on March 31, 2027, unless renewed by the voters sooner.

Since its implementation, Measure F-14 has funded 14 projects equivalent to nearly $20.4 million in neighborhood road repair. These projects have resurfaced over 55 miles of neighborhood roads, improving overall pavement condition and infrastructure stability.

Aided by the funds received from Measure F-14, as of June 11, 2024, the City’s overall pavement condition index (PCI) has increased by 9 points, from 47 to 56—a significant increase from the expected 17-point decrease if Measure F-14 had not passed.

Next Steps

Atascadero voters will vote on the Atascadero Local Roads and Vital Services Funding Extension Measure, appearing on the November 2024 General Election ballot as Measure L-24. Registered voters will be able to vote the upcoming November election on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, or sooner via vote-by-mail.

For more information about voting in Atascadero, please visit the Election and Voting Information webpage on the City’s website or contact the City Clerk’s Office at or (805) 470-3400.

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